the bloodline...

*George Comfort (Germaio Costabile) 1856 8/2/1924
wife Rosa Adeline (Teta-Perrain) Comfort 8/10/1859 8/28/1951

------------------SECOND GENERATION

**Margaret Comfort Schuster 1/16/1883 6/21/1966
husband Michael Schuster 8/9/1891 7/19/1946
**Angela Comfort 12/29/1888 9/28/1978
**Albert Umbert (Bertie) Comfort 3/3/1905 11/4/1979
wife Mary Ellen Dickson Comfort 2/24/1910 12/25/1993
ex-wife Ellen (Nellie) Yemm Comfort ??/??/??
ex-wife Mary Josephine Comerford Comfort 2/15/1909 8/18/1990
**Dominic Comfort 7/18/1894 4/28/1969
wife Nina Comfort 11/6/1896 11/23/1969
**George Michael Confort 4/16/1892 4/25/1975
wife Christine Barbara Happ Confort 12/17/1893 8/28/1954
**Theresa Rockwell 8/16/1890 11/21/1985
husband Ford Rockwell 9/21/1972 ??/??/??
**Joseph George Comfort 11/5/1898 10/14/1989
wife Anna Belle Coffin Comfort 11/20/1918 12/25/1993

------------------THIRD GENERATION 

***Rosemary Schuster Meidroth (Daughter of Margaret & Michael) 5/3/1912 3/19/1998
husband Arthur H. Meidroth 12/4/1912 9/25/1985
***William Albert Comfort (Son of Albert & Nellie) 6/18/1927 1/10/1928
***James Donald Comfort (Son of Albert & Nellie)         1/8/1929 3/28/1998
wife Josephine Abraham Comfort 12/21/1924
***Michael Albert Schuster (Son of Margaret & Michael) 12/5/1915 4/13/1936
***Irene Angeline Schuster (Daughter of Margaret & Michael) 1/19/1918 10/13/1929
***Lucille Theresa Schuster Bradley (Daughter of Margaret & Michael) 4/4/1920
husband Elwood Leroy Bradley 2/8/1916
***Eugene Francis Schuster (Son of Margaret & Michael) 4/4/1922 9/1/1999
wife Betty E. Dunn Schuster 1/16/1924 8/26/1991
***John (Jackie) Schuster (Son of Margaret & Michael) 2/17/1926 6/17/1928
***Edward G. (Bud) Schuster (Son of Margaret & Michael)  12/31/1913 12/4/1984
wife Ida Belle Dozard Schuster
***Anna Marie Confort (Daughter of George & Christine) 12/26/1924
***Leslie Frank Confort (Son of George & Christina)         2/1/1916 10/25/1968
wife Doris E. Ciota Confort 10/23/1918 12/19/1958
***Albert (Son of Theresa & Ford) ??/??/?? ??/??/??
wife Vera Rockwell ??/??/?? ??/??/??
***Rosa Irene Comfort Watts (Daughter of Joseph & Ann) 6/25/1942
husband Clarence Wayne Watts 3/13/1936
ex-husband Eddie Dean Chambliss 6/22/1945 ??/??/??
ex-husband Thomas Edwin Bridges 1/7/1927 ??/??/??
ex-husband Albert Melton Honnoll 8/29/1938 ??/??/??
***Patricia Ann Comfort Gilliam 12/9/1936
husband Bobby Gene Gilliam 3/24/1941
ex-husaand Franklin Dale Rindfleisch Sr. 11/4/1935
***Joanne Comfort Lowe (Daughter of Joseph & Ann) 7/7/1943
ex-husband Paul Lowe ??/??/??
***James Joseph Comfort (Son of Joseph & Ann) 3/23/1947
wife Linda Marie Hawk Comfort 4/14/1962
ex-wife Josefa (Pepi) Mata Fantova 12/19/1945
ex-wife Robyn Leslie Gwendolyn Penrod 9/14/1958

------------------FOURTH GENERATION

****Donald Schuster (Son of Bud & Ida Belle) ??/??/??
****Timmy Joseph Meidroth (Son of Rosemary & Art) 1/5/48
ex-wife Pamela Ann Gorman 12/24/1948
****Terry John Meidroth (Son of Rosemary & Art) 2/17/1943
wife Karen Lucille Meidroth 1/20/1948
****Leslie Howard Confort (Son of Leslie & Doris) 9/13/1938 wife Patsy Ann Deisher Confort 2/8/1937
****James Kevin Honnoll (Son of Rosa & Al) 9/30/1962
wife Caroline Read Honnoll 8/25/1963
****Steven Albert Honnoll (Son of Rosa & Al) 9/25/1963
wife Denise Honnoll 3/20/1962
ex-wife Debbie Honnoll ??/??/??
ex-wife Edie Honnoll ??/??/??
****Anthony Thomas Bridges (Son of Rosa & Tom) 10/4/1967
wife Kristin Murray Bridges 4/12/1967
ex-wife Gladys Gomez Bridges ??/??/??
****Christine Maria Comfort  (Daughter of James & Linda) 1/23/1991
****Robert Michael (Bugsy) Comfort (Son of James & Linda) 6/21/1992
****Antonia (Toni) Mata Comfort (Daughter of James & Pepi) 12/8/1967
****Gregory Joseph Bridges (Son of Rosa & Tom) 4/9/1969 wife Doreen Neese Bridges 4/23/??
****Michael Dean Chambliss (Son of Rosa & Eddie) 3/20/1979
****Anna Maria Comfort (Daughter of James & Pepi) 11/30/1968
****James Joseph George Comfort (Son of  James & Robyn) 4/14/1982
****Albert Michael Rindfleisch (Son of Patricia & Franklin) 2/15/1959
****Theodore Joseph Rindfleisch (Son of Patricia & Franklin) 10/16/1964
wife Sue Ella Richeson Rindfleisch 3/3/1959
ex-wife Rachel Morgan 3/7/1967
****Dominic Lee Rindfleisch (Son of Patricia & Franklin) 9/2/1970
wife Robyn LeeAnn Hindeliter Rindfleisch 6/5/1970 
****Gregory John Comfort (Son of James & Josephine) 2/6/1957          
****Mary Jane Comfort Thomas (Daughter of James & Josephine) 10/2/1959
husband Howard Vincent Thomas 9/26/1944
****Michelle Mata Comfort (Daughter of James & Pepi) 1/2/1971
****Timothy Gerard Comfort (Son of James & Josephine) 11/25/1955
wife Cheryl Lee Wolff Comfort 12/5/1957
****James Donald (J.D.) Comfort II (Son of James & Josephine) 10/16/1954
wife Julie Ellen Putnam Comfort 5/15/1957
****Franklin Dale Rindfleisch Jr. (Son of Patricia & Franklin) 8/28/1957
wife Gayle Rachelle Walraven Rindfleisch 6/18/1958
ex-wife Rhonda Scachette Moreland 8/8/1957
------------------FIFTH GENERATION

*****Gordon Leslie Confort (Son of Leslie H. & Patsy) 2/11/1959 2/11/1959
*****Michael Howard Confort (Son of Leslie H. & Patsy) 3/17/1965
ex-wife Trudi Jane Leetz Confort ??/??/??
*****Mark Renee Confort (Son of Leslie H. & Patsy)         3/14/1961
wife Lorraine Harris Confort 7/29/1961
*****Michael Alan Meidroth (Son of Terry & Karen) 8/14/1974       
*****Scott Lee Meidroth (Son of Terry & Karen) 11/16/1971     
*****Hunter Andrew Rindfleisch (Son of Dominic & Robyn) 1/12/1999
*****Tanner Jacob Rindfleisch (Son of Dominic & Robyn) 6/25/2001
*****Kristina Rachelle Honnoll (Daughter of Steven & Edie) 11/24/1987
*****Krystal Bridges (Daughter of Anthony & Gladys) 7/25/1988
*****Anthony Bridges (Son of Anthony & Gladys) 10/4/1989
*****Kassandra Bridges (Daughter of Anthony & Gladys) 7/15/1991
*****Peter Christopher Bridges (Son of Anthony & Kristin) 6/16/1994
*****Phillip Thomas Bridges (Son of Anthony & Kristin) 1/23/1998
*****Thomas Joseph Bridges (Son of Gregory & Doreen) 9/16/1996
*****Aaron James Lehbar (Son of Toni & David Lehbar) 11/3/1994
*****Amanda Maria Comfort (Daughter of Anna & Thomas Bradley) 5/29/1987
*****Haley Michelle Comfort (Daughter of Anna & Robert Pena) 7/16/1997
*****Bradley Allen Rindfleisch (Son of Ted & Rachael) 4/25/1986
*****Mary Allison Rindfleisch (Daughter of Ted & Sue) 11/12/1993
*****Christopher James Rindfleisch (Son of Ted & Sue) 10/13/1994 
*****James Donald Comfort III (Son of J.D. II & Julie) 5/12/1984
*****Drake Harrison Comfort (Son of J.D. II & Julie) 1/24/1986
*****Caitlin Josephine Comfort (Daughter of J.D. II & Julie) 9/20/1989
*****Dominic Joseph Comfort (Son of J.D. II & Julie) 7/14/1994      
*****Deanna Jo Comfort Venzon (Daughter of Tim & Cheryl)  5/4/1973
husband Stephen Venzon 3/15/1973
*****Kristin Lee Comfort (Daughter of Tim & Cheryl) 2/24/1983
*****Nicholas James Comfort (Son of Tim & Cheryl)         1/17/1986
*****Vincent James Thomas (Son of Mary Jane & Howard) 2/13/1990
*****Elise Marie Thomas (Daughter of Mary Jane & Howard) 9/8/1994
*****Anthony Andrew Rindfleisch (Son of Frank Jr. & Rhonda) 10/11/1982
*****Charles Franklin Rindfleisch (Son of Frank Jr. & Gayle) 8/30/1992
------------------SIXTH GENERATION  

******Glenn Curtis Confort (Son of Mark & Lorraine)         5/6/1990
******Elizabeth Confort (Daughter of Mark & Lorraine)  4/21/1996
******Jacyln Renee Confort (Daughter of Mark & Lorraine) 4/21/1996